Traditional Sports & Entertainment

Traditional Sports

Among the numerous ancient sports activities in China, there are not only competitions that showcase strength and speed but also activities that emphasize intellect. Traditional Chinese sports are closely related to social life, religion, rituals, and military training. Sports activities are not only a way to keep fit but also an important means of moral education and cultural heritage, reflecting the ancient pursuit of health and spiritual cultivation.


Throwing arrows or sticks from a set distance into ancient bronze pot


kicking a ball into the goal above


Players take turns rolling a ball to hit the pole

Ancient golf game

Taking turns striking a ball towards a hole

Crossbow Shooting

Placing an arrow in the crossbow groove and then shooting it towards a target

Shuttlecock Kicking

Tossing up a shuttlecock and consecutively kick it

Floor Curling

Aiming to roll a stone closest to the center point

Traditional Entertainment

Ancient Chinese entertainment includes various activities and performances designed for leisure, such as music, dance, drama, and games. These entertainments are often closely related to festivals and daily life, reflecting the social culture, customs, and values of the time.

Luban Lock

Understanding ancient Chinese architectural structures through three-axis puzzle blocks

Spinning Top 

The top spins on its tip, with a string wrapped around its body, then released to spin

Intelligence tangram

Using fifteen differently shaped boards to form patterns


Skillfully manipulating various props

Hoop rolling

Holding a long-handled hook, the iron hoop is placed on it and made to spin rapidly

Drum-Shaped Rattle 

Crafting hand drums using wood, ropes, and ribbons