理工大學【Legend of Dragon】

The event of Legend of Dragon at PolyU was a resounding success! 🙌🐉We held booths where we engaged university students in experiencing traditional Chinese culture by tasting bingtang hulu, blown sugar and lo mai chi. Over a thousand students joined us for a range of fun and engaging activities.

Let's continue to embrace and appreciate our traditional culture! ✨🐲

薪傳學社在香港理工大學的新春活動 Legend of Dragon 中取得了大成功!🙌🐉 多個有趣的攤位吸引了許多大學同學踴躍參與,讓他們在歡樂的氛圍中探索中國傳統文化。透過品嘗冰糖葫蘆、欣賞吹糖藝術和製作糯米糍等活動,同學不僅享受了美食的美味,還體驗了獨特的手工藝術。超過 1,000 名同學的參與,共同度過了一個充滿歡笑和互動的難忘日子!活動現場熱鬧非凡,彷彿帶領著每位參與者踏上一段充滿中國風情的冒險之旅😼️。